#AUTHOR: Bekeraite, Walcher #SOURCE: SDSS DR7 images and own analysis #DATE: 2014-09-09 #VERSION: 1.0 #COLAPRV: CJW #PUBAPRV: none This table provides the results of a reanalysis of the SDSS DR7 images and the derivation of growth curve magnitudes (GCmag). SExtractor was used to detect stars and other sources in the image to create a pixel mask for all the sources except the CALIFA galaxy. The mask was visually checked and manually corrected, if necessary. Simple interpolation would not by definition have been applicable, so we chose a procedure known as inpainting in the computer vision community, i.e. masked pixels were iteratively replaced with a Gaussian inverse-distance weighted average of the neighbouring real pixels, starting with the pixels with the largest number of nearest neighbours. In order to apply the masks (originally created for the r band images) to the other 4 SDSS bands, we measured the shift between the different images and their r band counterparts using their WCS (FITS World Coordinate System) ra and dec coordinates, then shifted the masks and cropped the images accordingly. The position angle and ellipticity of the galaxies were measured based on the light moments of the masked galaxy image (compare the SExtractor manual for definitions of the light moments). The growth curve analysis was performed in both elliptical and circular (r-band only) incrementally increased annuli. If the flux profile was fitted in sufficiently wide rings using simple linear regression, the best fit line should become horizontal at some radius, which might then be considered the edge of the galaxy. This would assume that flux falls off asymptotically until it is indistinguishable from the sky fluctuations. In practice this is not the case, given that incomplete masks, light from other objects and sky gradients make the best fit slope switch from negative to slightly positive at some point. We therefore fit 150 px sections of the flux profile using simple linear regression, making the neighbouring fit sections overlap by 100 pixels. When the flux profile slope becomes non-negative, we take the mean of the current ring as the sky value, and the ellipse with major axis value at the middle of the ring as the galaxy's edge. After measuring the galaxy's extent and sky value, the flux within the galaxy was summed up, sky was subtracted and u, g, r, i, z magnitudes were calculated. The counts were converted to magnitudes, as described here: http://www.sdss.org/dr7/algorithms/fluxcal.html#counts2mag 87 galaxies had no zeropoint/extinction/airmass given in corresponding file headers, in such a case the mean values of these parameters in a given band was used. The magnitudes were converted to AB magnitude system by applying zeropoint correction as described in http://www.sdss3.org/dr8/algorithms/fluxcal.php#SDSStoAB. The correction is as follows: u_{AB} = u_{SDSS} - 0.04 mag The unconfirmed z band correction, z_{AB) = z_{SDSS} + 0.02 mag, was not applied. The half light radii (semi-major axes for the elliptical case) were obtained by taking the semi-major axis value of an ellipse such that half of the total flux lies inside or on it, and multiplying it by the SDSS pixel scale (0.396 "/pix). A set of quality flags were also introduced after a visual inspection, denoting uncertain position angle values, incorrect center coordinates (a significant offset), unreliable measurements. The last column in the table is the sum of quality bit flags. The meaning of the individual flags are: -- 1: Visually wrong PA -- 2: Visually wrong center (large offset) -- 4: Unreliable photometry: bad masking, distorted shapes due to inpainting, too close to a frame border, weird shape of the growth curve.