# AUTHOR: S. Zibetti # SOURCE: QC # DATE: 2016-02-23 # VERSION: 1.0 # COLAPRV: S. Zibetti # PUBAPRV: None # COLUMN1 : CALIFAID , int , , CALIFA ID # COLUMN2 : NAME , string , , The name of the galaxy # COLUMN3 : OBS_SEEING_MEAN, float , arcsec, seeing FWHM mean over all pointings # COLUMN4 : OBS_SEEING_RMS , float , arcsec, seeing FWHM rms over all pointings # COLUMN5 : OBS_SKYMAG_MEAN, float , mag, sky surface brightness in V band mean over all pointings # COLUMN6 : OBS_SKYMAG_RMS , float , mag, sky surface brightness in V band rms over all pointings # COLUMN7 : OBS_EXT_MEAN, float , mag, atmospheric extinction in V band mean over all pointings # COLUMN8 : OBS_EXT_MAX , float , mag, atmospheric extinction in V band max over all pointings # COLUMN9 : OBS_EXT_RMS , float , mag, atmospheric extinction in V band rms over all pointings # COLUMN10: OBS_AM_MEAN, float , , airmass mean over all pointings # COLUMN11: OBS_AM_MAX , float , , airmass max over all pointings # COLUMN12: OBS_AM_RMS , float , , airmass rms over all pointings # COLUMN13: RED_MEANSTRAYLIGHT_MAX, float, counts, mean straylight intensity max over all pointings # COLUMN14: RED_MAXSTRAYLIGHT_MAX, float, counts, max straylight intensity max over all pointings # COLUMN15: RED_RMSSTRAYLIGHT_MAX, float, counts, rms straylight intensity max over all pointings # COLUMN16: RED_DISP_MEAN, float , AA , spectral dispersion FWHM mean # COLUMN17: RED_DISP_MAX , float , AA , spectral dispersion FWHM max # COLUMN18: RED_DISP_RMS , float , AA , spectral dispersion FWHM rms # COLUMN19: RED_CDISP_MEAN, float , pixels , cross-dispersion FWHM mean # COLUMN20: RED_CDISP_MAX , float , pixels , cross-dispersion FWHM max # COLUMN21: RED_CDISP_RMS , float , pixels , cross-dispersion FWHM rms # COLUMN22: RED_RES4358_MIN, float, counts, average flux residual of the sky-line 4358 after sky subtraction min over all pointings # COLUMN23: RED_RES4358_MAX, float, counts, average flux residual of the sky-line 4358 after sky subtraction max over all pointings # COLUMN24: RED_RES4358_RMS, float, counts, average flux residual of the sky-line 4358 after sky subtraction rms over all pointings # COLUMN25: RED_LIMSB, float, ABmag arcsec^-2, 3-sigma limiting surface brightness in [4480-4520]AA band in ABmag # COLUMN26: RED_LIMSBFLUX, float, erg cm^-2 sec^-1 AA^-1 arcsec^-2, 3-sigma limiting surface brightness in [4480-4520]AA band in cgs # COLUMN27: RED_FRAC_BIGERR, float, fraction of spaxels with anomalously large amplitude of the error spectrum # COLUMN28: CAL_FLATSDSS, short, 1: flat-fielding relative to SDSS applied; 0: not applied # COLUMN29: CAL_REGSDSS, short, 1: 2D registration relative to SDSS applied; 0: not applied # COLUMN30: CAL_RMSVELMEAN, float, km sec^-1, rms of systemic velocity in different spectral ranges # COLUMN31: CAL_SNR1HLR, float, , signal-to-noise ratio at 1 half light radius