
This page provides tables that are useful to deal with the CALIFA sample. Their content has been described and used in the sample characterization paper Walcher et al., 2014, A&A, 569, 1 and in the DR3 paper Sanchez et al., in prep. Tables are provided both in CSV and FITS format (e.g., CALIFA_1_MS_basic.csv, CALIFA_1_MS_basic.fits), with an associated ASCII file (e.g. CALIFA_1_MS_basic.txt) that comprises some further information on their content. All these tables can be downloaded from the CALIFA public FTP.

The tables have been prepared with care and every effort has been made to provide correct information. Nevertheless, each user is advised to do their own testing to avoid simple remaining errors or inconsistencies between the provided data and their expectations as to what is being provided. In case of questions, comment or corrections, please contact the main author of the sample characterization paper, C.J. Walcher (

For DR3 the tables have slightly changed to account for the existence of the extension sample. This means on the one hand that all tables exist for all galaxies in the CALIFA mother sample. Additional columns have been introduced to clearly mark the released galaxies. On the other hand, a more restricted set of tables exists for the CALIFA extension sample. These tables only contain released galaxies.

The following tables are provided:

For all released galaxies:

For all galaxies in the mother sample, whether observed or not:

For all galaxies in the extension sample:

Summary description of each table:

More detailed descriptions of the table content and how it was produced is available from the relevant papers cited above, from each tables README file (the on with the .txt extension) and from the headers of each table.

  • CALIFA DR3 Sample

    This table contains the names and CALIFA IDs for the objects for which V500 and V1200 data have been released in DR3.

  • CALIFA DR3 QC table for the V500 datacubes and V1200 data cubes

    These tables contain the Quality Control parameters of the 667 galaxies in the DR3 released sample. The parameters were derived independently of the data-reduction process.

  • Basic information for CALIFA galaxies

    These tables provide some basic values for the CALIFA sample. RA, Dec, pure redshift, isophotal diameter, and Petrosian r-band magnitude are from the SDSS DR7 or SIMBAD (where no redshift from SDSS was available). The Vmax values have been calculated based on pure redshift and apparent diameter and include a correction for the under-density of the local universe. Vmax values cannot be computed for the extension sample!

  • Morphological Classification

    These catalogues provide morphological classifications of the CALIFA galaxies. They are based on eyeball classification of the galaxies by the CALIFA collaboration. The process is described in Walcher et al. 2014.
    The postage stamps of the SDSS DR7 images (r and i band) were used.
    We also provide catalogues where the morphological classification has been turned from a character into an integer constant.

  • Growth Curve Magnitudes

    This table provides the results of a reanalysis of the SDSS DR7 images. Position angles and ellipticities of the galaxies were measured based on the light moments of the masked galaxy
    image. The growth curve analysis was performed in both elliptical and circular (r-band only) incrementally increased annuli.
    The u,g,r,i,z magnitudes are quoted in the AB magnitude system. The half light radii (semi-major axes for the elliptical case) and
    a set of quality flags are also provided.

  • Spectral Energy Distributions from UV to NIR

    This catalogue presents a match of UV, optical and NIR photometric data. All magnitudes are on the AB system.
    Care was taken to use UV and NIR photometry that would be comparable to the growth curve optical magnitudes.

  • Stellar Masses based on optical growth curve photometry

    This stellar mass catalogue was computed from the SDSS ugriz growth curve magnitudes using code and methods of Walcher+2008.
    This catalogue uses the BC03 models with a Chabrier IMF.

  • Stellar Masses based on UV-to-NIR SEDs

    This stellar mass catalogue was computed from the SDSS ugriz growth curve magnitudes as well as Galex UV and 2MASS NIR magnitudes.
    Not all galaxies have the same coverage, so some stellar masses are the same as for the optical only catalogue.
    This catalogue uses the BC03 models with a Chabrier IMF.

  • Petrosian magnitudes from SDSS

    These tables directly provides ugriz magnitudes of the main and extension samples and reproduces directly the content of the SDSS DR7 database.
    The only purpose is to allow any user to clearly reconstruct the input to the stellar mass catalogue below.

  • Stellar Masses based on optical growth curve photometry

    These stellar mass catalogues were computed from the SDSS ugriz Petrosian magnitudes using code and methods of Walcher+2008.
    They use the BC03 models with a Chabrier IMF. The intention is to allow for stellar mass comparisons between the main and the extension sample.